One of the books that will probably never age is Blue Ocean Strategy. The concept, the strategies, and the adaptability of these to any business under the sun remains relevant and will continue to do so. Taking for instance this last decade, we have seen new businesses emerge in categories we would not have predicted in the 90s especially the disruptors in many industry. We have also seen the existing, traditional, legacy businesses take to ‘blue ocean’ and reinvent themselves.
As a professional and a reader, if there is one book I can recommend in the young and experienced professionals alike to read and learn from, more is Blue Ocean Strategy. And believe me, no better time than a global pandemic to give this a read, take some informed decisions for our respective fields. Do share your feedback if you have already read this genius of a book. #Books #BookReco
One of the many topics that I am passionate about is diversity. Maybe this is because of my own journey, having moved to Switzerland, from India and travelled in more than 40 countries in 4 continents under my belt. Assimilation, integration, and the feeling of belonging, in a new workplace or a new country is of paramount importance to succeed as an organization and as a society.
Read MoreI recently came across a UN report on Sustainable Development Goal 7 (#SDG7), which is all about ensuring access to affordable, reliable, sustainable, and modern energy for everyone. In a world where we often hear troubling news, this report brought a ray of hope - it revealed that the number of people with access to electricity in 2018 had significantly increased since 2010.
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